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Under the on-going crisis caused by COVID-19 virus, everyone on the planet has been affected tremendously regardless of nations or continent no matter how rich or poor. Health issue is the most to be concerned according to the increasing number of death around the world. To those families who have lost out there, please accept our condolence and let's us pray that the vaccine will be out successfully at soonest. 

Another major issue is our economy. We are experiencing a very huge downturn in term of "Great Depression". The rapid decrease of spending power caused by the increasing unemployment rate leads all of us into a very difficult time. Without a doubt, many business units are forced to close down due to the lack of revenues. Normal life can no longer be resumed while we have reluctantly learned a phrase which is "New Normal". Perhaps, "time to change" is a must in order to carry on, do you agree?


At BrushMe, our core skill is the adaptable for changes. By accepting the truth with deep research for analyze, the creation of BrushMe Original is what we went for right away in the sense of society contribution. Giving back is one of our core visions since the very beginning because BrushMe would not make it here if there is a lack of support from our generous end-users countrywide. To pay our respect in appreciation, we give to you "BrushMe Original". 

BrushMe Original values at only 10 baht as retail price yet its quality is classified as premium. Our only intention is to deliver a high quality toothbrush with an affordable price for everybody who suffers from the crisis. Since our first day, our ideology always remain unchanged which is to sell a premium grade product with an affordable price and at present, we successfully achieve what we long for. 

You can now purchase BrushMe Original from various channels such as local corner stores, minimarts, supermarkets and wholesale stores across the country. For more convenience, please visit our online store for instant delivery.

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